Successful AiMiR solution Seminar held in Jordan 20.07.2009 Views:1822 |
NURI Telecom Co., Ltd. (CEO Songman Cho, announced that it held the seminar on “AiMiR Smart Grid Solution” at Geneva Hotel in Amman, a capital city of Jordan on July 6 2009 with over 50 people attended from the transmission and distribution utilities in a local.
During this seminar organized by NURI Telecom USA, Gab-sub Kim, VP of AiMiR Business at NURI addressed key challenges for future electricity networks and highlighted what AiMiR system, a Smart Grid Advanced Metering solution could bring to the utilities.
The participants from NEPCO, JEPCO, EDCO and IEDCO showed keen interests in Nuri’s successful nationwide deployment of the remote metering system for over 150 thousand C&I customers of KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation) as well as its wireless AMI network infrastructure technology. |