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In Green World

NURI Telecom selected as a green new deal operator

08.12.2020 Views:2036

NURI Telecom was selected as the final operator for the Green New Deal residential smart power platform projectpromoted by the government in order to actively cope with the climate change and signed

an agreement with KSGI(Korea Smart Grid Institute). 


The residential smart power platform business is one of the green new deal projects promoted by the government, and is a project to implement an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) in 5 million apartments by 2022. It is a project to provide real-time 15-minute power consumption information to residents of apartments supported by state subsidies that are aimed at spreading new businesses using power big data implemented by collecting real-time power consumption information on saving electricity bills and saving power peaks. 


NURI Telecom plans to replace the existing old meters with new smart meters among 200,000 apartments nationwide to implementation smart power infrastructure with PKI certificates to provide data collection, analysis and power information services. It is expected to be the first large-scale private energy service platform in Korea. 


In addition to implementing infrastructure for smart power platforms, NURI Telecom has formed a consortium with companies specializing in energy service sector, DR (demand response) management) business, and national DR (energy comma campaign)-linked APP services.  

In this project, NURI Telecom will be responsible for implementing smart power infrastructure and managing smart power platform business.


CEO Young Duk Kim said, 

” NURI Telecom is a leading AMI company with accumulated business execution capabilities including design, delivery, installation, and operation of AMI systems to 46 electric power companies in 19 countries. While protecting consumers' power consumption data and personal information by applying enhanced PKI certificate-based end-to-end security to this project, the company plans to establish a cloud-based energy service platform to create diverse revenue models through AI analysis based on real-time power consumption big data collected in real time."